Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Paranormal Activity caught on tape - again

Our camera took another hit again. But things didn't turn out the way we have wanted. We have heard lots of noises from the ceiling lately so we decided to put some powder directly below our attic opening in hope of recording something supernatural. See for yourself what the camera has picked up. Note: We have gone to bed after setting up the camera. When we woke up the next morning, the battery has already drained. It has recorded for almost 3hours +. To ease your viewing experience, I have trimmed the parts which has no activity in it, and fast forwarded some others. You might wanna increase your volume to hear things out.

How did you celebrate your Merdeka?

I celebrated mine by eating Maggie 1Malaysia..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Paranormal Activities Caught on Camera at Home!

Nowadays I sleep late. Like 8am late. I know it'd sound stupid when I say this, but I've been hearing lots of funny noises. When these noises are heard, usually everyone else would have long been on bed. Usually I'd blame it on Yuri (our 3-month-old puppy). But recent chains of events have suggested otherwise. So to actually find out what was going on, and to kill some time, I decided to investigate what has been happening. Most of the time, I'd keep my computer room door open and I'd be with the computer, alone in the dark. I'd have clear vision of the living hall, and so far nothing unusual has been sighted. If there were needs for me to go upstairs, I'd set up my camera and then proceed. This has been going on for 2 weeks or so. But what was caught on tape last night was unexplainable, even for me. Never in my life I thought I'd see something real like this. You have to see for yourself to believe. Go ahead and download the video to analyse it if you have to. My advice, better trust in God, these things are real. Mark my words.